Thursday, October 18, 2012

Drops of Nostalgia !!

Look at life as a whole....It's like a big ocean...An ocean is made of drops of water.....Life is made of drops of memories, of events, of people, of things....


So many things happen in our lives, so many people walk in and
pass by...
Each drop holds some sort of significance, each drop has a story
to tell...Each drop makes me nostalgic, reminds me of a memory.

Certain events have a tendency to repeat themselves in our life.
It's like, sometimes, life has an "Action Replay" button....The
same incident, the same moment, maybe the same people too...
But it's a new You... But these events still remind you of the last
time they took place... And somehow you don't think it's the new

Life has its ways of playing games.. Of repeating events that
leave a mark in your life..And these events don't have to be nice
all the time.. A fight, an argument..same person. same words,
same emotions but somehow its a new person from your
end experiencing it.. I have had set my of "Action replay"
moments and it fascinated me...

It fascinated me because I could feel those same emotions all
over again... Nostalgia hit me in the form of some emotions and
feelings... For instance, the day i'm expecting my board exam
results, I could feel that excitement and nervousness...the tension,
the nail-biting nervousness, the anticipation, all of it came
back to me.....

These emotions and feelings are a very important part of my life..
These are the drops in my ocean... Nostalgic drops...because
these are a part of my yesteryear's and are the foundation to
my today and tomorrow....

Monday, October 08, 2012

Store it in a bottle !!

There are moments in your life that you wish you could have held on to forever....
There are some people who you wish had never left
There are some walks you wish had lasted forever
There are certain feelings you wish would experience over and over again

There are some miles that are hard to miss
Laughter that is always heard
Signs of love and friendship
That would make the dullest days bright

So here is a wish.....That may all these moments, experiences and feelings be stored in a tiny bottle of hope, faith and love....That they remain in my heart forever!