Friday, December 23, 2011

The story of Santa Claus

A farmer, who had three daughters was so poor that he could not afford proper dowry for them, thus could not get his daughters married. He was in despair. Not getting them married meant that the girls would have to remain unmarried and eventually fall into prostitution. Nickolas heard of the poor man's plight and decided to help him realize his dream. He did not want publicity for what he was going to do, thus very modestly, he went to the house of the farmer under the cover of the night and found the stockings of the three maidens, left to dry near a fire. He placed three purses full of gold coins, in each one of the stockings, one for each daughter, and thus saved the poor man from his pain.

Nickolas was none other than the much celebrated present day Santa Claus. St. Nicholas was a 4th century church father and bishop, also called the Nikolaos of Myra. He had a reputation for secretly gifting the poor like slipping coins into the shoes of the needy.

Santa Claus, perhaps as we all know comes from the Dutch name 'Sinterklaas', which came from saying St.Nicolas, over and over again. I remember myself as a kid saying 'One Eight' (18) for a Nissan cargo van, which was actually called the 'Nissan Vanette'. Similarly, repeated- yet corrupted forms of saying St. Nicolas gave way for the current Santa Claus.

A story of the intercession and social intervention of Nickolas. Once upon a time, Myra was struck with a severe famine leading to the deaths of many people. At that time, a ship full of wheat, originally meant for the Emperor Constantinople, was docked at the nearby port. Nickolas went and explained the situation of the land pleaded with the sailors to unload a part of the wheat grains. The sailors were reluctant at first, because the quantity was measured and any less, would invite the emperor's wrath. But upon the old man's assurance that nothing untoward would happen, they agreed to give some wheat. It is said that when the ship reached Constantinople, there was no change in the weight of the wheat grains! But in reality they had in fact given away wheat enough for two full years!

There is another miracle story of Nicholas. During the severe famine, a cruel butcher killed three young boys and stored their bodies in big barrels to sell them as ham. Nickolas saw this horrific crime and through his prayers, brought the three boys back to life.

This story led to people believing in him as the protector of children. In many countries, paintings and pictures depict this incident, showing a father Saint with three young boys in a barrel.

The life of St. Nickolas was beautiful and seemed like it was scripted by God. His legend lives even today, though in a very narrow sense of what he actually did. Santa Claus was a reformer, savior of the poor and a man whose life was made fluent in prayers. He understood the needs of the society and stressed for community living. He interceded for the poor and took bold steps to alleviate poverty. Santa Claus was a man of prayer. His prayers were the blessing rain in Myra.

Christmas is after all, not all about Ho Ho Ho! Or a red nosed reindeer that Santa Claus uses for a chauffeur driven car. Or the empty stockings hung near a lavishly dressed Christmas tree.

Christmas must be in the spirit that Nikolaos lived and strove for. It is about sharing. Not only among the friends we know, but sharing with the poor we don't know. Christmas is about prayers, a renewal of heart and the intercession for a nation torn in strife and sorrow.

Christmas is about giving without seeking anything in return.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I lay with my head deep, feeling the sand within...
The scorching sun blinding, burning my skin...
I can barely hear...Is that a distant cry...
I can sense the shadows as the vultures fly....
Their hungry eyes....ready to gnaw my bones....
I open my mouth to scream...alas just moans....
No reason to live no water no leaf no bone...
No soul....
As the hours of sand cave in on my wretched state...
I resign, resign to my fate....
Did I come here to wither away...
To end the suffering....the deceit....the agony...
Now I feel no pain no sorrow...
I have no hope for a tomorrow...
As I step into a land far away...I know this was the only 

Friday, December 02, 2011

SO TRUE ......

Hi Daddy,

I just wanted to tell you something, One day, I'll love one so much, and we'll get married. And you'll have to "give me away" and I'm sure you'll be scared. And you'll be sad. But Daddy, please don't cry. 
No matter what guy comes into my life, you'll always be the most important. You'll always be my number one man

Daddy's little girl ♥

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Roger Federer : The Renaissance Man

Earlier this year a major poll was carried out to discover which global celebrities were most respected, admired and trusted. Unsurprisingly, it was Nelson Mandela who topped the list. But guess who was in second place? It wasn’t anyone from politics, culture or business. No, number two on the planet-wide poll carried out by an organisation called the Reputation Institute was none other than Roger Federer.

It’s a lofty accolade, even by this Swiss champion’s standards. Ahead of Bill Gates in third place, Roger was the only sportsperson in the top 15, finishing comfortably ahead of baseball legend Derek Jeter, basketballer LeBron James and football star David Beckham.

One of the rare bits of criticism that tends to come Roger’s way is that he can be a little too concerned with his image. But when you have a halo burning as brightly as his, it’s understandable you would wish to protect and enhance it.

Roger is a global figure in a global sport and, for well-documented reasons, his reputation now stands well ahead that of Tiger Woods, to whom he is now rarely compared. The combination of supreme athletic ability, an astonishing record, worldliness, good deeds, a willingness to show emotion and an easy, metrosexual charm all makes for an irresistible combination.

Roger turned 30 in August and, although he will not hear a word of it, the reality is that he won’t be at the top of the sport forever. There’s no doubting that one reason why the Barclays ATP World Tour Finals has drawn such huge crowds to The O2 is that all self-respecting sports fans want to be able to say that they saw the Swiss master play in the flesh.

And for those who have seen him, what will they remember as his greatest attribute? It could be those technically perfect groundstrokes delivered with a God-given sense of timing. Or maybe the ease with which he glides across the court. In an age when tennis has become such a physically demanding sport, perhaps it is his ability to dominate opponents with such extraordinary regularity over a long period.

Roger made his Grand Slam debut in 1999 at Roland Garros as a then somewhat irascible teenager against Australian Pat Rafter, losing in four sets. As we now know, it was to be the start of an incredible career in the sport’s four major tournaments which, for sheer consistency, may never be matched. Just over five years later he won his second Wimbledon singles title, heralding the start of what, for many observers, is the most remarkable sequence the sport has ever seen.

Amid the mountain of statistics you could apply to Roger, arguably the single most impressive is that between 2004 and Roland Garros of 2009 he reached the semi-finals or further of every Grand Slam. A similar run continues to this day in that he has now made the quarter-finals or further in the last 30 Grand Slams held.

It is all for debate, for there are so many milestones from which you could choose. Another is the fact that he has won the ATP’s year-end championship five times in all, including last year’s victory over Rafael Nadal.

Another crucial factor is that Roger simply loves playing and living on the tour. At the same time he is a man of varied interests who has never been blind to life outside the rectangle of the tennis court.

The son of a Swiss pharmaceuticals manager and South African mother, he has now embarked on raising a family himself, and is the proud parent of twin daughters with wife Mirka, a former professional player herself. Many tennis players have found juggling the ATP World Tour with family life a difficult task, but Roger has embraced it and declared that it has made the whole experience better than ever.

The Federers have always tried to enjoy the places they visit and have made some high-profile friends along the way. Look at Vogue magazine editor Anna Wintour, for example, a regular guest in the player’s box. The 16-time Grand Slam champion enjoys the glamour of the fashion world, yet does not forget the opposite end of human existence, financing schemes to help the poor in Africa through his charitable foundation. It is not unknown for him to travel straight from Milan fashion week to east Africa to personally oversee projects which have benefitted from his organisation. Seamlessly, he appears just as comfortable sitting by the catwalk as he does chatting to impoverished children.

In a similar vein, it is not unusual to see him switching effortlessly from one language to another in interviews. He speaks four tongues fluently.

Roger generally keeps his ferociously competitive instinct well hidden unless it’s on the court, although there is no question that he hates losing, and has a tendency to see each defeat as an injustice. Yet nobody could have achieved what he has done without a burning desire to win. There is no obvious sign of that desire waning. When it inevitably does, however, he has little to fear from the tennis afterlife; probably less than most players. Such are the capabilities of his mind and the range of his interests, it may even appear to him that, when he has more time on his hands, life will only just have begun.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I Am Sorry My Tears

I Am Sorry My Tears
Coz I Have Trapped You ,
Whenever You Wanted To Flow
I Have Always Stopped You

I Know Inside For You
It Is Very Suffocating ,
But Even If You Flow
Nothing You Will Be Getting

You Will Flow
And Get Vanished Somewhere ,
And Till That Time
People Will Show That They Do Care

So Better Dont Expect
Anybodys Sympathy ,
You Are True
You Dont Deserve False Pity

I Know You Wanna Come Out
To Make Me Feel Relieved ,
What You Think
Will This Make My Wounds Get Healed

Rather Than You
Its More Painful For Me
My Dreams Getting Shattered
Is What Everyday I See

Still I Smile
And Pretend To Be Carefree ,
But Whats Behind
Nobody Ever Tried To See

Like A Poison Inside Me
Still I Wanna You To Hold ,
Desperately I Wanna Breath
But My Breaths Have Turned Frozen And Cold

Through My Body
Like Blood You Run ,
Now You Are My Night
And The Only Sun

So Dont Feel Hurted
And Never Do Leave My Eyes ,
A Bond Of Love
Ours Relation Is

My Daddy :)

Always there by my side.
Always there with a hug,
Ready to comfort and care.

Eager to teach and to show,
All life has to offer and see.
Always eager to share.

Despite the changes of life
You are always by my side.
Ready to comfort and encourage.

No matter what life brings,
You are always there with a hug.
Sharing your strength and courage

Daddy’s little girl, always a hug
Will be sought and wanted,
Daddy’s little girl always will love
Her hero and friend, her Daddy.